Quality assurance

When managing many accounts, it’s understandable for essential things to slip through the cracks. TrueClicks is your extra pair of eyes to make sure that your accounts are always in great shape, so you also don’t have to worry about people catching mistakes before you do.


Ensure your basics are brilliant

While it’s tempting to try new things or use better methods to make your campaigns better, you need to start with the basics. We’ll make sure your basics are brilliant.


Clients would ask other agencies and consultants to audit our work to make sure we were actually providing a good service. They’d find annoying things like url and extension disapprovals, or not having negative keyword lists updated.
Now, we feel bulletproof to these audits because TrueClicks allows us to be on top of things more than we were before.

Nicole Ignacio
Head of Paid Media Operations, Stellar Search


Catch and fix errors in a couple of clicks

Mistakes are bound to happen when you’re managing many accounts at once. Our monitoring features spot and notify you of errors in real-time.

Providing an easy way to fix errors, removing the need to switch between interfaces.


TrueClicks can automatically do an amount of analysis that we cannot do manually. We save about 8 hours per specialist per month on audits, improvement analysis, and quality checks. In total, this is about 156 hours saved per month across our specialists. We spend the time TrueClicks saves us on things you need a human for: longer term, more strategic and creative tasks. It really benefits our clients.

Marcel Smal
PPC Strategist, iProspect

Become bullet-proof

Dare competitors to audit your work

We’ll inform you if we spot any improvements and help you prioritize. We look at more than 150 things to make sure your ads are working, saving money, and growing.

So you can keep your ad account bulletproof from anyone auditing your work.

Urgent issues

Get notified on urgent issues

TrueClicks’ monitoring features identify urgent issues in your account or campaign and send you email alerts with actionable steps, keeping you informed at all times.


Check and maintain consistency in all campaigns

The good kind. You choose your preferred campaign settings and things you want to avoid for each account. We’ll make sure all your campaigns stick to those choices, keeping you in charge even when you’re not actively managing them.

Target Monitor

Monitors for timely adjustments

TrueClicks offers monitoring for your targets, including tracking how fast you spend your budget and reach conversions, as well as how efficiently you’re getting results.

Every day, you’ll get an updated visual overview of how you’re performing vs. your targets, so you’ll quickly know which targets need your attention.

Experience the benefits of TrueClicks firsthand

Explore how  TrueClicke work with our 3 -minute interactive product demos (no email needed) or sign up for free.