PPC Optimization Tool

TrueClicks focuses on actionable insights only.
You won’t find “nice to know” pie charts, but you will find a prioritized list of items to fix or improve for each of your accounts.

Next to that, we help you to optimize your campaigns at light speed with our fix button, deep links, and task management.

The Fix button

Fix issues straight from TrueClicks

PPC optimization software with a fix button for straightforward issues? You got it. Clicking on it loads a set of custom-built solutions for the specific issue we found. Pick your preferred solution, edit where needed, submit, and you’re done!

These changes will be logged on your email, not ours.


With TrueClicks, you can see all of your accounts along with their scores. And if TrueClicks says an account is at 80%, it’s in good shape and you don’t need to worry about it. But if you see accounts with scores under 60% — you know there are opportunities to improve and you should prioritize these accounts.

Guus Bakker
Team Lead SEA, Abovo Media

Deep links to the Ad Platforms

1-click deep links to right place in the ads interface

TrueClicks always provides a  prioritized list of campaigns or ad groups to work on for each of our recommendations.

Save yourself the hassle of clicking and navigating in your MCC to get to the right place by implementing our 1-click deep links to the ad platforms. Google made this difficult; we found a way around it.

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Check and maintain consistency in all campaigns

The good kind. You decide on your preferred campaign settings, negatives, and content suitability per account, and we’ll make sure each campaign adheres to your settings. If you set it on preview, it’s a warning system. If you set it on auto-apply, it keeps your campaigns compliant while you sleep.

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Task management

Transform recommendations into actionable tasks

Want to make sure things gets done? Turn TrueClicks recommendations into tasks in 4 clicks. You can assign a task to a colleague or to yourself, so you won’t forget.

The assignee’s initials will show on the recommendations assigned to them, so everyone knows who’s picking this up.


With TrueClicks, you can see all of your accounts along with their scores. And if TrueClicks says an account is at 80%, it’s in good shape and you don’t need to worry about it. But if you see accounts with scores under 60% — you know there are opportunities to improve and you should prioritize these accounts.

Guus Bakker
Team Lead SEA, Abovo Media