PHD Media

How PHD Media boosts PPC productivity and client satisfaction with TrueClicks

How PHD Media boosts PPC productivity and client satisfaction with TrueClicks

Company type
Hours saved every month
Savings in monthly AD spande
THE customer
Petter Zachrisson
Head of Search Engine Marketing, PHD Media Sweden

“Being able to quickly pull findings from TrueClicks is really valuable. Then you have more time to do the strategic work that helps you win the pitch. Clients always appreciate when you can show better results on their investment.”


A tool that centralizes account performance and opportunities to free up strategic time.

PHD Media (part of Omnicom Media Group) has helped clients achieve disproportionate growth since its 1990 founding in London. PHD Media Sweden is the second-fastest-growing media agency in the world in the past three years and ranked in the top four most globally awarded networks in the world (according to the 2020 WARC Media 100).


No quick overview of client account health

Petter Zachrisson, Head of SEM at PHD Media Sweden, oversees a team of SEM consultants working on a large number of accounts. The team used many different scripts, rules, and custom-made dashboards to monitor their accounts, but that approach was time-consuming and messy. Petter wanted a more in-depth overview than the scripts or Google Ads could give him. He needed to know, at a glance:

  • How accounts were performing
  • How his team was working with the accounts
  • Which tasks would offer the most impact

He knew that gaining such an overview would help his team deliver better recommendations and results to clients. Plus, if they could spend less time analyzing data, they could free up time for more valuable strategic work.

“We used a lot of different scripts, rules, and custom-made dashboards to monitor all the accounts. Just implementing those scripts and rules on each account is very time consuming. I wanted an overview, in one place, to tell me more about the shape of the accounts. How well are they performing? Are there any opportunities for improvement?”


A tool that centralizes account performance and opportunities to free up strategic time
Then Petter discovered TrueClicks, a PPC analysis and recommendation tool designed to optimize paid search campaigns.

TrueClicks scans across all PHD Media’s client accounts and campaigns to check for anomalies, wasted spend, best practice adherence, and opportunities. TrueClicks provides alerts and recommendations while scoring each account.

As Petter and his team test drove TrueClicks, they were impressed by how easily they could see and understand account performance — and how valuable the TrueClicks recommendations were. With TrueClicks, the PHD Media team can now:

  • Proactively improve account health
  • See errors and disapprovals
  • Get alerts as soon as something breaks
  • Make changes right in the tool

And all this is collected in a single place.The TrueClicks best practices and recommendations help Petter train junior PPC specialists, while the at-a-glance overview helps him follow their work and assign suitable tasks.

PHD Media also uses TrueClicks to surface insights and recommendations to pitch new clients. Since TrueClicks cuts down on the analysis time, the PHD Media team has more bandwidth to do the deep-thinking strategic work that wins pitches

“When we are pitching or auditing accounts, it’s super quick and points us in the right direction of where we should do more analysis. Without TrueClicks, I wouldn’t have come up with as many insights in limited time.”


Better insights that save time and spend
Thanks to TrueClicks, the PHD Media team is thrilling existing clients and winning new business. On average, TrueClicks saves the team 60 hours of analysis time each month. And the TrueClicks recommendations save PHD Media’s clients an average of 6% in monthly spend. Not too bad for a tool that costs less than 0.1% of the linked spend.

But the benefits go beyond simple numbers. Petter notes TrueClicks gives him greater peace of mind since his team gets alerts as soon as an account needs attention. Plus, TrueClicks’ in-tool support helps instantly resolve any questions.

With TrueClicks, PHD Media now offers better insights and recommendations to their clients, complete with estimated savings and opportunities. That gives clients more confidence in their agency partners — leading to stronger relationships.

“One of the TrueClicks recommendations gives us an estimate of how much we can save by using specific negative keywords. Clients love such concrete info on expected benefits. And they love the optimizations we do to achieve those.”