PPC Automation

Working in your favor, always. Automate waste prevention and consistency across all your Google Ads campaigns, at scale.

Keep your campaigns compliant while you sleep

Google Ads' auto-applied recommendations aren't popular. Google pushes a limited set of suggestions, but they may not suit you.

We've taken a different approach. You tell us your preferences for account and campaign settings, negatives, and where you don't want your ads to appear. With a few clicks, we'll make sure these settings are consistently applied across all your campaigns daily, with nothing left to chance.

Reduction in wasted ad spend

Auto-apply saves you money by cutting wasted ad spend. With your explicit permission, it automatically identifies and excludes low-quality placements (GDN and YouTube), allowing you to focus on other parts of your advertising strategy.

Efficient way of working

Using Google Ads Editor, manual optimization, or scripts for campaign settings, negatives, and placement exclusions is inefficient. These methods are error-prone, time-consuming, and not user-friendly. TrueClicks automates these tasks with a better experience.

We keep it clean

Instead of blindly copy-pasting thousands of wasteful/low-quality placements to your lists, we only do so when you have at least 1 impression on such a placement, mobile app, or YouTube channel. Preventing messy and long lists that run into their limits.

More accurate than Google

YouTube's "made for kids" label is often incorrect or incomplete and fails to weed out low-quality GDN ad placements. To fix this, our algorithm reviewed 2.8 million YouTube channels, and detected 24,000+ for kids. We also investigated 180,000 common GDN placements and found 40,000+ low-quality websites. Now you can quickly prevent your ads from appearing on content for children and intrusive websites.

account settings

Auto-dismiss Google's recommendations

This feature automatically dismisses Google’s recommendations of your choosing. You won't have to repeatedly dismiss them to improve your OptiScore, only for them to reappear later. Not all agencies are willing to endure this frustration just to maintain their partner badge.

automate your preferences

Campaign settings

These auto-applied tasks ensure your preferred campaign settings are applied to all campaigns. As your preferences aren't necessarily the same as Google's default settings. Scratch that, they probably aren't.

  • Only target people (regularly) in your targeted locations

  • Disable Display Expansion on Search campaign

  • Enable/Disable Search Partners

  • Rule-based language targeting settings

  • Rule-based location targeting settings

the right list for the right campaign

Apply negative keyword and placement exclusion lists

This feature helps you manage negative keywords and exclusion lists better. You can easily set up rules to ensure the right lists are connected to the right campaigns every time.

  • Apply campaign-level negative keywords

  • Apply negative keyword lists based on campaign names

  • Apply placement exclusion lists based on campaign names

automatically find and exclude waste

Populate negative keyword and placement exclusions lists

Our most powerful automations will find (hidden) waste in your search terms, YouTube and Display campaigns. 
Get our recommended exclusions handed to you on a silver platter, or auto-exclude them by telling us which lists to use.

  • YouTube: Exclude kids channels (proprietary algorithm).

  • YouTube: Exclude channels based on external lists.

  • YouTube: Enforce target languages.

  • YouTube: Exclude channels based on customizable "forbidden words."

  • Display: Exclude low-quality websites (proprietary algorithm).

  • Display: Exclude sites and apps based on external lists.

  • Display: Enforce target languages.

  • Display: Exclude sites and apps based on customizable "forbidden words."

  • Search terms: exclude based on customizable performance rules.

PPC Budget Monitoring
PPC KPI Tracking