Find out how TrueClicks is different

In the table below, you can compare TrueClicks with the following alternative solutions: Adalysis, Opteo, and Optmyzr. We'll also highlight the pros and cons of free solutions like the Google Ads Optimization Score, Google's (and Microsoft's) recommendations, and scripts.

All the content below is based on verifiable, up-to-date facts. The pros and cons for the paid solutions are distilled from hundreds of verified user reviews on G2 and Capterra. So it's their opinion, not ours.

Unlike typical vendor comparison pages, we avoid long-winded feature comparisons that age quickly and look like this. We hope you'll appreciate this approach.

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Free trial length



Paid pilot



Offers forever free version



Monthly price for $50K/mo



Monthly price for $250K/mo



Monthly price for $500K/mo



Monthly price for $1M/mo



G2 score and reviews





# of G2 reviews last 2 quarters(Q1 & Q2 ‘24)



Capterra score and reviews





# of Capterra reviews last 2 quarters(Q1 & Q2 ‘24)



# of won search awards



Offers Single sign-on (SSO)



Main pros found in reviews



Main cons found in reviews




Exploring free alternatives

We’re kicking off the list of "free" alternatives with the Optimization Score.

Recommendations & OptiScore

In Google and Microsoft's own words, their Optimization Score (OptiScore) "estimates how well your account is set to perform, running from 0% to 100%, with 100% indicating that your account can perform at its full potential."

In reality, you'll find that most recommendations (which power the score) are about expansion and automation. It's not realistic to expect the ad platforms to tell you how you could save unnecessary ad spend and how to stay more in control of your targeting.

As a KPI, it's pretty meaningless, as dismissing all recommendations will get you an Optimization Score of 100%. So everyone can get a 100% score if they're willing to click "Dismiss" a couple of dozen times.

Google Ads Scripts

Google Ads scripts help you automate reports, alerts, and optimizations in your Google Ads accounts using JavaScript.

Pros and cons of Google Ads Scripts

Scripts are free like a free puppy. You need the right people to spend time implementing, maintaining, and troubleshooting them.


  • You can find more than 400 free scripts online (Google Ads scripts resources on that you can copy, paste, and adjust to your needs. Even for paid scripts, it's usually just a one-time fee instead of a monthly (or yearly) subscription.

  • Scripts save you time by automating repetitive tasks.

  • You can create your own custom scripts for specific needs (or hire someone to do this for you).

  • Scripts can populate Google Sheets and send emails.


  • Editing and creating scripts requires knowledge of JavaScript, especially if they're not working as intended.

  • Scripts have technical limitations making them less suitable for large amounts of data. Third-party tools using the Google Ads API (like TrueClicks) don't have this problem.

  • Frequent updates and maintenance are usually needed, particularly when Google Ads makes changes.

  • Sometimes, scripts are blocked by Google, or they stop working (correctly) unnoticed.

next steps


As always, each solution has its pros and cons and the perfect solution for everybody doesn't exist. If you're looking for an easy-to-use, powerful analysis and optimization tool for paid search, we believe TrueClicks is the best choice. Especially if care about collaboration and team alignment.

But if you're looking for social advertising support, campaign creation, or white-label reporting, we're probably not the best fit.

In the end, the most effective way to determine which vendor best suits your needs is to run free trials with multiple vendors. If you're ready to learn more about TrueClicks, book a demo or get started with a free trial.